Griffin Tales - Baby Blog.

I apologize for this being a day late, I did not feel well on Sunday.
Griffin likes eating his hands. When we first brought him home, eating his hands was the first sign of hunger, but no longer. Even though he is just beginning to be able to grasp his rattle, it pales at the sheer entertainment value of his knuckles. He's also producing drool in buckets, which might mean teething, or it might mean he's trying to learn how to bathe himself naturally, like cats. We were finally able to introduce rice cereal without rejection this week, but with a good deal of mess. I can't wait until we can introduce him to vegetables, which will happen right around thanksgiving, so we're thinking about giving him sweet potatoes. We're going to avoid fruit until he's experienced vegetables, because we fear he might reject anything that wasn't fruit after he tastes how yummy and sweet they are.
Saturday, we went to the park, and he loved it. He loved being outside, and watching the other kids playing. Eric took him around, and showed him the trees, too. Griffin still isn't sure what to make of the sun, but he likes the other aspects of being outdoors. I don't blame him, he spends entirely too much time indoors. I can't wait for the day when I can take actual walks with him.
As promised, here is a picture. I was torn between this and one of Griffin in the park, but this one won.
Ok, he is just the cutest thing ever! I called in Kae to look at the Pic, and little Gwennie came running in saying "I want to see Griffin! I want to see him!" Yep, we talk about you a lot. :)
Then Gwennie said "who is holding him up?"
"His Daddy."
"What's his Daddy's name?"
Then she just stopped and looked a little petulent that this actually answered her question and she couldn't think of another one to ask...
A very cute moment.
What beautiful eyes. We look forward to every up date on our little Griffin. Very wise decesion about veggies first. We love you and miss you all. Love Nana and Judy
That's my grandbaby! Isn't he the cutest and best?
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