Griffin is now going to school. We had a long, heartbreaking process to get him into a school that could help him with his speech issues, without treating him as if he is autistic or mentally retarded. Thankfully, the director at one place downtown saw that he was not at all like the evaluation done on him, and spoke to the school district about a change in their recommendations. All this summer, he'd been going to a place that was a mix of regular and challenged kids. G's grandfather was very generous, and we were able to put him into the all day program for a few days a week. He bloomed while he was there, and we were able to get a firm handle on his screaming.. and his vocabulary started to pick up. It was also the first place where the teachers wanted to work with me to help Griffin, instead of trying to kick him out immediately. I felt like a weight had been lifted off me, like there was some hope and a point to all this.
So, now he's going to school. The screaming showed back up in between the time his summer program ended, and school began, so we're all working with him on it. Usua

He loves the bus so much that he doesn't want to get off the thing in the afternoon. As he leaves it, he asks to get back on it (and also for his father).
He's changing, an

Eric and I have been thinking of another one, but circumstances being what they are with the economy, I don't think we'll be getting a house until we're well past that stage. Right now, we can't fit another one into the equation. And I would like to keep losing weight. It

So over all, we're optimistic, and happy to settle in for a very long 10 months of schools.