Griffin and the colouring, hang out day.
Griffin sat on my lap, and coloured. Every now and then he would give me a crayon insistantly, and it meant that I should write down a letter. So I'd write "A" or "O" or "P".. or any of a bunch of letters he knows well. He'd grin, point, and say the letter. Then he'd go back to making random marks on the paper with a crayon or a pen, and I'd go back to the computer. Every now and then I would stop what I was doing, and kiss his head, or tickle him. We sat like this for hours, the two of us in our own worlds, intersecting when we really wanted to. When he decided he wanted Sesame Street, he asked for it by pointing to the remote, and then sat on my lap with his fingers in his mouth, watching Sesame Street, and colouring. I occasionally would sing a song along with the muppets, in his ear. This would make him giggle hysterically. Then something frightened him, an animation on the show, and he wept into my chest. I turned the tv off, and comforted him. After he was done being afraid, he talked to me about it in his 1 year old language, occasionally punctuating his words with English. I looked him in the eye while he did this, and I listened to his tale for a while.
It occurred to me, after he'd abandoned me to play under the coffee table, that Griffin is incredibly cool. Our coffee table has a top that raises up, so you can eat/work on papers/read comfortably on the couch. It has a metal arm and springs that do this. Griffin climbs under th
I have found that I can watch him for a very long time, without losing interest. He's incredible, my little silly boy. I love that he lets me read to him, I love that he calls a fork a "Circle". I love that he can ask for juice, or tells me when he wants his dad. I love that he makes the sound for a chicken when we tell him he's eating chicken, or the panting noise he makes when referring to a dog when he's eating a hot dog. I love his hair, I love his cute little cheeks, I love his way of crossing his fingers while he's chewing or sucking on them.
I loved the hang out day, and hope there's many more.
Be Well,
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