Griffin and the New Snow
Griffin broke our camera, so here's an old picture of him from his first Christmas. Soon we'll have another camera, and I'll add new pictures.
Last year, he experienced snow for the first time that he'll remember. In October, in fact, during Arborgeddon. He was pretty excited then by it, but spent only a small amount of time in it, in an over sized suit bought by my mother. This year, he was excited to see it. "Yay! Snow!" he exclaims, running to the window, "Socka! Shoe! 'Side!". So his father brought him outside, in the same suit, now dangerously snug in the crotch. Once out in the weather, our little man decided it was okay to wear a hat, but not so much with mittens. Disturbed by the snow on all the playground equipment, he got a stick, and started hitting the stuff off swings, and the slide. Once he'd determined that he'd put the playground right, they came home, where we unwisely gave him a little hot chocolate.
Last Christmas, he was kind of unsure what to do with the packages, until too far after the occasion. This year, I expect not to be able to leave the living room for a moment without having to put him in his high chair. He will look at the tree, and promptly try to either climb it, or knock it down. We are travelling to my sister's house this year, but we're having a tree anyway. Christmas just isn't right without a blurry attempt at a picture of our tree. Also, since I was a kid, I've always loved to sit in the dark with the tree lights on. We have ours set to slowly fade from colour to colour (I have to get some lighting kicks somehow, I suppose), and I love the way it plays with the shinier orna
Eric's mother is up for Christmas, and to see Griffin's new cousin, Elijah (who is massively awesome). Tomorrow, she'll watch G, and let Eric and I go to the theater. I don't get to the theater enough, and I always love going with Eric. I hope, when G gets older, we can all go together.
Be well
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