Griffin Tales - Baby Blog.

This is the story of Griffin Berg.

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Location: williamsville, New York, United States

Griffin was born on May 18th, 2005. I've been struggling to come to terms with everything since.:)


5 months, 1 week, 5 days

Griffin likes bananas. He likes them so much that when the jar was gone, he yelled. If he could speak, I imagine him saying "Hey!! Where are my bananas??! Not fair!" They also seem to agree with his system the best out of everything we've tried, the second being sweet potatoes.

Not too much has happened with Griffin this week, aside from him being unable to take naps that last more than 10 minutes in length, leading to an increase in laundry build up, and a general housewide crankiness.

Griffin has also decided that breastmilk is too slow for him, rejecting it a lot for a bottle (which he is able to hold by himself, increasingly). It isn't just that he wants the bottle more, it's also that he'll cry hysterically, and get himself into a fit and not accept the breast as an alternative. This makes me incredibly sad. The teething situation has also escalated, and his favourite teething toy? Mommy! The teething ring we have is too large for him, but he really does love to try to seperate my knuckles from my hand using only his gums in a fierce terrier-like motion, biting down and shaking his head.

My camera has a limited movie function. It's bad quality, unedited, and very short, but I have here a link to a movie. (This you can click on, mom:) Griffin Speaks

When I review these, holding Griffin, he gets entranced by watching himself. Sometimes he answers himself back, if he's making noise in the video.

Halloween is tomorrow! We have not gotten a pumpkin on time again this year, but we will next year, when he'll be more aware of what's going on. His costume will also be the Lil' Pumpkin outfit from his aunt Amber that you see in the picture here, and last week. In some ways I'm dissapointed, but in other ways I don't mind. We're not going to a party, or trick or treating, or even staying home to give out candy. We've plans to go to my brother and sister in law's house to watch scary movies and give out candy to the three trick or treaters who come to the door dressed in their every day clothing. I hope when he's old enough to be excited by dressing up that trick or treating will still be something people do. :)
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the first time ever I don't have a costume for jeff and myself. but I do have one for Charlie and I am planning on doling out candy. :)
No parties for us either, but I am gllad that Charlie is having his first Halloween. There will be many pictures of the little dragon!

10/30/2005 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the video of this little guy made me cry!!
oh, and he is the most perfectest pumpkin i've ever seen! and my cat is dressing up as a pumpkin this year, so believe me, there was competition! : )

10/30/2005 10:19 PM  

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