Griffin and the Briney Bird

This charming picture is of Griffin wearing his Uncle Dennis' hat. The hat stayed with us for a while, and ruled the house from its lofty perch on our gaming bookshelf. It oversaw Thanksgiving as well, making sure we made merry in the proper spirit of the day.
Thanksgiving was a full house. My brother in law Matt and his wife Nisha came, along with their twin boys. My mother and my step father came as well. I made two pies, one that I'm immensely proud of, and Matt brought a delicious pie and some lunch. I had a great time, and it was another awakening that Griffin really needs more socializing with other children in his life. The instant Nate and Sebastian came into the apartment, he was giggling, and ecstatically happy. They are now to the point where they can all play together, so there's also more time for the grownups to talk, which was also delightful. Sadly, he was too excited to eat much of the day's fare, but that was just fine. He did manage to get some of our lovely brined turkey (he likes dark meat), and some cranberry sauce, which he is both wary of, and enamoured with.
Griffin now takes both of his xylophones and puts them together as if they were one massive keyboard, and plays them at the same time. He has been experimenting with tones, and I know I've heard him from time to time, imitating music he's just heard. He also has an annoying fixation with the television, so I have to resort to turning off the cable box in order to cease its senseless nattering after Sesame Street has finished.
Sesame Street has had an amazing effect on him, as well. Griffin sits and pays rapt attention to every recitation of the alphabet, often indicating that I should rewind it so he can watch again. Then one day I watched him as he tried very hard to repeat the letters. It was during a

He has also started to cuddle with his stuffed toys. Putting him down for his nap, or for bedtime proper has become incredibly cute. This very evening in fact, he started cuddling one of his teddy bears, which let us know he was ready to sleep. When I put him in his crib he cuddled up to it, snuggling into bed. He does the same thing for his nap, giving me this huge smile (Sometimes, I wonder if he's being cute on purpose. He does mug for the camera from time to time, which is also incredibly cute.). He now goes down for his nap without much of a fuss, getting into his crib after some cuddling. I can't express how relieved this makes me, since his naps previously were only achieved after me leaving him screaming in his crib.
We look forward to Christmas with a combination of heady expectation and fear. Griffin will love the tree, the lights, the presents, the company. We will read him the Grinch (which his Aunt Amber thoughtfully provided for us), and put him in something damn cute to sleep in. We're just afraid that he will try to scale the tree, remove the ornaments, and eat the pine needles. He did have a first Christmas, but he was not as cognizant as he is now, and I think he will love it.
Now I must go.
Be well,