5 months, 2 weeks, 6 days

We only fed him part of a spoonful, before he shut our chicken operation down. To compensate him for everything, we immediately gave him some sweet potatoes.. but we had to convince him we weren't playing some cruel joke on him. Since then, we've given him more bananas, both from the jar, and from a banana itself. Eric was holding Griffin while he was eating a banana, and the baby smelled it, and made it clear to us that it was not Eric's banana, but his. So some was squished up for him. The taste of a fresh banana was interesting, but put him in a fantastic mood.
Eric sometimes puts Griffin on his shoulders, a situation that is just fine with Griffin. He's not quite big enough to hold there for a long time, but Griffin loves it. I forsee many times when his father will transform into a horse.
Griffin is also getting used to the gaming sessions every weekend. We go to a friend's house on Saturday, and he is slowly getting used to them, and the house. Although, it's hard to put him down for a nap there because he refuses to sleep. It's getting harder and harder to put him down when there's any light at all. Griffin seems to like the dice rolling, and the chatter. I also think he likes looking at the dice, because everyone gets such interesting looking ones. Griffin is much better during the times when we have games at our house, though.
His hair is coming in, but it is a light colour, so it's hard to see except as a shine to his head. It also isn't a distinct shade, sometimes seeming red, sometimes a tow blonde. His eyelashes are getting a nice copper tone, though. This is so like his father, whose own hair is gold, copper, silver and a very nordic white-blonde.
Watching him learn is a lot of fun. At these ages you can track when he suddenly understands a concept. Yesterday he tried to lift my shirt and get at a breast. When we talk, sometimes he'll place his hands on our mouths and just hold it there while we're talking, staring. One night when he really didn't want to go to bed, he started fussing when we turned out the light. He's starting to get the concept of lifting his butt and getting his knees under him while on his belly, though once and a while he still tries to explore the "surfing" method of travel (where he rocks back and forth on his stomach, legs and arms in the air), much to his chagrin. Soon, I predict crawling. We've seen him start to grab for things on purpose, and holding his bottle has become more common.
He definately likes it better outside when it's cold like this. We should take him outside before the leaves are all gone. Perhaps today will do!

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