9 months, 1 week, 1 day.

Griffin wants to do almost nothing else but stand up, so he spends a good deal of time in the crib in the morning, walking back and forth.
No, not walking.. just travelling. He hasn't quite got the balance to walk, so he travels, using the side of the crib as a balance from one side to the other.
Last night our little trio was coming home from our weekly game. It was late, and it had started to seriously snow. Big, fat crystalline flakes fell, and the air was super quiet. Walking from the car to the apartment, Griffin seemed in awe by it. We let him touch it, and he wasn't sure quite what to make of it. He'd seen snowfall when he was still very small, but I don't think he remembered it. And it had never been like this.
We've started him on meat. They make baby food meat combinations that don't smell like catfood, like chicken and apples.. or ham and pineapple. So far, he's liked them. I wish he had top teeth so he could chew things like crackers, without fear of big chunks. He still loves to chew on celery though. We recently got wings with friends of mine who came up for my birthday, and Griffin decimated a celery stick. I think he loves it because it makes a satisfying crunching noise when he chews, and also because it's juicy. We take it away from him when its structural integrity is not so hot.
Now I must go, as he is trying to knock over his dirty laundry bin.
Be well,