8 months, 3 weeks, 5 days

The reasons aren't clear. I suspect it might be teething. He also has this random limb jerking 'thing' that he does that sometimes wakes him up.
He's tired a lot, too. He's also become very clingy, not wanting us to put him down. If someone is on the floor with him while he plays, he is a happy child. Otherwise he cries until he can have very close interactions with someone.
The final straw is the biting. While he breast feeds, if he's unhappy, bored, or just has some hurting teeth, he will bite me. Hard. He does it to the bottle, too.
So, in general, these past two weeks have been a circle of hell for me. Eric gets a little of it too, but usually he isn't the one waking up with Griffin at night, so he gets more sleep. I don't usually begrudge him the sleep, after all he is the one going to work. We all have our jobs here. I just hope mine gets better soon, or I might just lose my mind.
Wishing you all good sleep.

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