Griffin Tales - Baby Blog.

This is the story of Griffin Berg.

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Location: williamsville, New York, United States

Griffin was born on May 18th, 2005. I've been struggling to come to terms with everything since.:)


Griffin and the Leap of Faith

Griffin likes to climb, as I've said before. We have a little table next to our big stuffed chair. Griffin likes to climb onto that table a lot. I let him, but I'm watching closely to grab him, should he fall. When he decides he wants to get down, he likes to stand on the edge of it, and then dive at the chair face first. He does this with the coffee table and the couch, too. His faith that the chair will be there, and that he will be fine amazes me. We lose so much when we age. I've dubbed him "extreme baby". I'm glad that my legs are starting to work better again, because keeping up with an extreme baby is hard!

Plus, tiring. He's VERY active, and really likes the outdoors. I can take him out in his stroller, but what he REALLY wants is to walk around outside. Eric does this when he comes home. Like a puppy, Griffin invariably stands near the door whenever Eric starts his drive home from work, and bangs on it while saying "Da da da!". He does it even when Eric is going to be late, getting more and more upset when "Da" doesn't come home on time. I love it when other people come to our house, because they all interact with him so differently. One friend runs around the apartment with him, which makes Griffin laugh hysterically. They also kick the big green ball around a lot together. Another friend cuddles him and makes her husband very nervous. There's not much else to say, today. It's a melancholy Labor Day, rainy and quiet. Everyone's mood is damp, and I hope we can get outside, or something, to blow the sad cobwebs away.
Be well, all.


Blogger Catanya said...

"Extreme baby" That should be his first Gurps Supers name. Go Griffin.

9/05/2006 8:30 PM  

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