7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day; Happy New Year!!

Griffin looks like he might crawl soon. He clearly wants to crawl, but isn't quite to the point of understanding what to do with his limbs once he's on his hands and knees. He is making quite a bit of progress towards it, though. I've been noticing lately that when there's a toy that he wants, he will actually make an effort to get it, which is new.
During our new years eve visit to our friends' house, we had his portable crib set up in their living room. The 'mattress' is a little hammock like; a pad on a mesh net that attaches to the sides. It swings a little. We put Griffin on it, to practice sitting up, but it was too unstable. It would swing, and he would get panicky, and cry. I put the Boppy behind him and it stabilized him enough so he wouldn't fall over. Then he realized that he could make the mattress swing on purpose, and spent a while moving his hips and swinging the hammock. It was fun to watch him figure out his environment and then learn from it right in front of me like that. I see him do it on other occasions too, and it never stops making me proud and fascinating me.
From time to time we'll give him grape juice out of a glass. He sees us drinking from them, and wants what we've got. Plus, he loves grape juice. So we give him just a little from a glass. He is slowly getting down what drinking from a glass entails, though he still tries to lap the liquid, or chew on the side of the glass while he's doing it.
Love to all this new years, and I hope to be writing many many more of these.

this picture makes me so happy! i can't wait to come and see this little dude next week!!!
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