9 months, 1 week, 5 days

Griffin's standing has become the only thing he wants to do. All his energy is focussed on standing, moving from place to place, and eating our laptop. He wants to eat that pretty silvery shiny thing very badly. That, and bang on the top of it very hard with his bottle! Much of our day is taken up with playing "keep away", which includes the laptop, electrical cords, and my cellphone.
He has also re-discovered music. I was watching South Pacific the other day, and he stopped what he was doing, and stood transfixed. Against my better judgement, I want to get him a xylophone, or some other percussion instrument. I think he can handle things that he bangs on to make pretty sounds.
The screaming himself to sleep thing is working very well. He sleeps deeper, not waking up in trhe middle of the night but once since we've tried it, and even then we let him get back to sleep on his own. I think if I could get the bedroom to be darker during the day I could get him to do it for a nap, too. I think I just need really dark curtains in here. Which would help at night, too. His window faces the parking lot, and the lights are very bright at night.
We hope to move to a lower apartment in the same complex. There are some rennovated ones that will help us get our computers out of his room. Then we can decorate it!! Our quest for a house is now officially stopped. We don't have the money to do it. Living in the apartment will be crowded, but we're going to do it until he's school aged, and then move to a house (we hope), in the school district we want. It will give us

I will update on Sunday again.. sorry for the schedule being off.

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