Every day creeps us a little closer to the end of infancy and toward toddler-hood. It's a little sad, but in many ways a relief. I'm excited by growth, his learning things. Eric was talking about babies and learning the other day, and said something that I hadn't really thought about before. It's remarkable, what babies learn in such a short time. In some ways it's incredibly daunting, thinking of what he has to learn... everything. What a room is, that he has fingers, what sound is. Differentiating noises, and pictures, and learning to make sense out of it. His relationship with us must come out of being the only constant people in a confusion of sound and noise.
In June, we're moving to a new apartment in the same complex. There might be some jumble of this blog, while we do so. I'm very excited about the move, as it will be a larger place. Not too much larger, but it will have an extra bathroom, and a built in computer desk so we can give the second bedroom to Griffin entirely, without our stuff in it. He can play with almost everything in it, excepting the lamps, and stuff like that. I wish we could paint that room, but we'll decorate it as best we can. I think he'll be happy to have a room that's not full of things he can't touch.
When he was a small baby, he never had diaper rashes. Now he has more than his poor little share. Part of it might be some food he had, though. He also has a cold that he's been fighting and isn't winning against. I don't think there's baby cough medicine, but I'll look for some, cause I just want him to be able to breathe, poor little man.
Every day he becomes more of his own person. From time to time I feel like I'm walking on the edge of a precipice, fearing that a misstep on my part will do damage to his wee psyche. I can certainly understand people who find it hard to discipline their children. Crying is heartbreaking.
Though, not always. Griffin had a huge tantrum the other day because .. I'm not sure why. Likely because we wouldn't let him explore the funny little holes on the back of the laptop with his fingers (slick with teething drool). The tantrum, though, was amusing as hell. Eric and I just started to laugh, and the more he flung himself around yelling, the funnier it was. Maybe part of it was the scale; such massive crying over something like that. Do all parents go around in constant amusement? The whole world is ending because I can't stick my finger in the socket! My parents won't let me eat this, woe! Woe and destruction! Anyway, I think the laughter was discouraging to him, he sat up and started playing with a toy. Crying the whole time, mind you, just to continue to lodge his complaint.
I apologize for the length and quality of these updates lately. I just don't have the time, due to hectic schedules and clingy baby, to do a post all in one go, and if I do it in parts I lose my thread.
One more thing to add. Griffin is mesmerized by music, but held in complete thrall by music videos. He'll stand stock still, forgetting everything else, watching the screen. It's the same for my music player on the computer, which can generate a screen of random colours and lines to go with the song currently playing. I hope that he gets a xylophone for his birthday, as much as I dread the sounds he will produce with it, I think he'll be extremely happy.
Now I must go, as Eric has caught the house bug, and is alone with an extremely drippy congested baby. Be well, everyone.
PS: Thank you for reading this blog, especially to the Neary's, who have been ever kind and generous to me and my baby.