10 months, 2 weeks, 1 day

You know that thing, where you take your finger, and flick it across your two lips, making a "buh buh buh" sound? He does that to himself using two of his fingers, but he also does it to us. Eric started it by humming, and Griffin grabbed at his lips, causing Eric to go "buh buh buh". It's actually pretty fun, if he doesn't have long, clawlike fingernails. He lets us do it to him, too.
We still await a bigger apartment. There are only so many of them in the complex, and we're waiting impatiently for one with a woods view. There is one we could have right now, but it's got a parking lot on both sides; not exactly the ideal spot. I can't wait for the larger apartment, because then we can give Griffin his own room. I'd love to decorate his own room, put all his toys in there, make it a completely ok place to play. Right now, we're forever telling him "no", with the computer room, and it's entirely too crowded for all of us in there.

Griffin is getting more into chewing things. The little cracker-cookie things we got him that were formerly something he'd make a face at and ignore, are now his favourite. He picks them up and chews them thoughtfully before they dissolve. He's also figured out that he can smash them into dust with other objects. Yay!
We're not going to be able to go to my father's house for the Fourth of July this year, which is sad. I really want everyone to see how big he's become in person! Of course, I fear the tick situation where my father is. Speaking of summer! We're making plans to bring the little guy into the pool with us, and I can't wait. I can't wait for him to crawl around in the grass, either, or play more in a playground.
Now, I am crashing a little.
Be well,
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