1 year 1 week, 4 days

We are still frantically packing to move to the new apartment on this coming Friday, so this will be a short update. I had a picture of Griffin "helping" us use the bubble wrap, but it seems to have evaporated. This is a picture of Griffin and one of his insanely cute cousins, on Griffin's birthday. We're dismantling my computer, and then I will have no internet connection until June 19th or so (because Verizon is terminally slow and unhelpful), so this won't be updated until then.
Griffin is trying to walk. He's not sure he can do it, so he stands, hesitating, and then just sits and crawls. He DOES walk with one hand lightly touching surfaces, so I know if he screwed his courage together, he could make it!
Soon, we all go swimming. Soon, meaning after the move. The pool is open, and it's finally warm enough. I can't wait to see his second reaction to the pool. He won't remember it, but we tried to make him get in the pool long, long ago. That did not go over so well. But now that he's not afraid of water (except the shower and sometimes the sink), it should go better. We hope, anyhow. :)

He's finally moving almost exclusively to solids, and he can drink milk! He seems to seriously dig milk, but now he's suddenly become picky about what he wants to eat, which is sad. He also throws fits and wants to eat my food, and wants to feed himself. The feeding himself thing is awesome.. not so much wanting my food.
So, now I say farewell until the 19th, or whenever Verizon decides to have their heads removed from their posteriors and realize that I'm only moving around the corner in the same apartment complex, and I don't need them to test to see if I can get DSL there. I'm sure that two weeks will bring up a lot of things, and the next update will be full of news!
Be well,