9 months, 2 weeks, 2 days

Ok, I lied, this update is on Monday instead. Griffin had learned how to crawl on hands and knees, and not just drag himself along by his arms. He doesn't do it all the time, but he is rapidly moving towards such a day.
We bought Griffin some little cookie things that melt in your mouth. They have a concentrated banana smell, but not so much on taste. He's not sure about them yet.
I had a bad dream about death. In it, I was dying, and was saying goodbye to Griffin, and writing a letter for his later self. It was sad, and it's still with me. It got me to thinking about how to express my love for this little whiny bundle of joy. When I was pregnant, I heard a lot of things that I thought were platitudes, but now I discover the truth in them. My perspective has changed completely, and he is the best thing I've done.

Rather.. it's like the movie Conan the Barbarian. In this one part, Conan comes into a long forgotten tomb, and there's the body of this king sitting in a throne, covered over with webs. I think a part of me felt like that. Dusty, cobwebbed into my chair, forgotten, lost. Griffin is just bringing a spring cleaning with him. Sunshine, laughter.
It's not all like that, of course. He whines, and cries, and vomits, and tries to eat every book we own. He's broken my glasses, scratched my face, pulled my hair, and made me cry so hard I thought I'd never stop. I just don't see those things as the defining things.
Anyway, good night.

Griffin NANA can't wait to kiss your little cheeks. Love NANA
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