Griffin Tales - Baby Blog.

This is the story of Griffin Berg.

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Location: williamsville, New York, United States

Griffin was born on May 18th, 2005. I've been struggling to come to terms with everything since.:)


6 months, 2 weeks, 2 days

We gave him his first bona-fide bath recently. Until then it had been sponge baths and taking him into the shower. He truly hates bathing, and is afraid of the sound of running water. Hopefully, this fear will abate with time. After a while, he stopped crying when he noticed his reflection in the mirror, and the little yellow duck.

Teething has become very tiresome for everyone involved. We've finally found a teething ring that he can both fit in his mouth, and he enjoys using. He drools everywhere, and is very fussy almost all the time. He's unable to nap for long periods, so he's usually tired and fussy about that, too. I am hoping this period in our lives abates rather quickly, for everyone's sanity.

He can sit up by himself for short periods of time, which is cool! He also wants to drink out of our cups. We haven't tried this experiment yet. He has a new carseat, which he's getting used to, but I think he likes, because it puts him up higher, and he can see more. He doesn't know how to fall asleep in it yet, causing much weeping and gnashing of gums.

He has a lot more hair!!!

His grandmother just left, after thanksgiving. I think Griffin was sad. He really enjoyed her visit a lot (as did we, we got to see 2 movies!), and the whole thing was a great success.

I can't wait until Christmas comes, and he can see the lights!

Time to go try to put the little boy to sleep, so we can do some quick errands around the house.

-Autumn Posted by Picasa


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