7 Months!

This is going to be his first Christmas. I'm not sure I can fathom it quite yet. We have so much to do to get ready for the holiday, and it is going so slowly. I don't think I can quite grasp that it's arriving, and quickly. There was a book that I read as a child. In it, there was a place at the end of the world, where the faster you tried to get things done, the less headway you made. It was only when you took the time to see where you were going, and walk at a measured pace that you actually could do anything. I feel as if I'm living in that place on the edge of the world, but I haven't the sense to take it easy.
Griffin loves shiny paper. He hung out with us as we wrapped gifts, and we gave him a very shiny scrap. He stared at it, and then started to crinkle it, and wave it around in the air frantically. Then he decided he has to eat it. Eric grabbed it before consumption, and tried to take it away from Griffin. Griffin hung onto it for dear life, he just had to eat it! He did not get to eat it, but I can see we're going to have lots of fun on Christmas morning with him.
Christmas will come with an update. Everyone drive safely, and stay warm!

And Charlie is 2 months old today, the 20th! Awww, so cute. They are almost exactly 5 months apart. I love that picture too.
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